Listen here: “All the world’s a stage and men and women are merely players;They have their exits and their entrances;And one man in his time plays many parts…..” William Shakespeare “As You Like It” A little reflection and we can immediately recognise the truth of…
James Hanvey SJ
25 Articles
His particular research and teaching interests are in the areas of Trinitarian Theology, Pneumatology, Ecclesiology and Catholic Social Thought as well as Ignatian Spirituality.
We sometimes think we have only one voice but we have many voices and many languages. Not only do we have words, we have gestures and symbols, we have music and song and we also have silence.
crucified Christ. And so, once we’ve written our list of things we plan to give up, with tentative, cautious steps we can brace ourselves and set out on our Lenten path.
‘The name we give to God, The Trinity, marks the depth and height of the Christian knowledge and experience of who God is.’ In anticipation of the celebration of Trinity Sunday, 30 May, James Hanvey SJ considers how we might begin to think and speak…
With the papacy of Pope Francis, ‘synod’ and ‘synodality’ have entered our ecclesial vocabulary and thinking. Of course, this is neither a new concept nor experience for the Church. We see it at the very beginning, in the first momentous Council of Jerusalem which approved…
The website ‘Faith Dimensions’ is designed to bring together a community of faith in conversation.
The silences in our lives and relationships are often significant. There are those silences which are filled with security and peace. Even in the midst of a frenetic world or schedule, we can still carry an inner silence – a sort of interior poise.
In the second part of his interview with Jan Regner SJ about Fratelli tutti, James Hanvey SJ reflects on the rise of populism. In many countries today, populism is growing, and the truth is being misused to the benefit of politicians. How can we reflect on this from the perspective of Pope Francis’ new letter?
James Hanvey SJ, the Society of Jesus’s Secretary for the Service of the Faith, recently spoke at length about Pope Francis’ latest encyclical to Jan Regner SJ, Editor of the Czech Jesuit review, Jezuité.
In many ways, the main themes Fratelli Tutti are recognisable to anyone who is familiar with Catholic Social Teaching. But what is different is the way in which the letter not only presents arguments and ideas for us to think about, it also invites us into an affective, reflective and imaginative relationship with its themes.