And so we have arrived at the 5th week of Lent. In whatever way we have chosen,…
The deep purples of Lenten repentance and sorrow are changed to a delicate rose colour. They signal that for today the rigours of our Lenten journey can lightened. This Sunday we can stop to rest for a moment and contemplate the goal of our journey – the homecoming of Easter.
Listen here: “All the world’s a stage and men and women are merely players;They have their exits…
We sometimes think we have only one voice but we have many voices and many languages. Not only do we have words, we have gestures and symbols, we have music and song and we also have silence.
crucified Christ. And so, once we’ve written our list of things we plan to give up, with tentative, cautious steps we can brace ourselves and set out on our Lenten path.
El nuevo camino sinodal por el que está pasando la Iglesia invita a poner la mirada en…
f someone wants to seek and find God, how should one start? You can find a little guide here. There are nine practical approaches – you might want to try a few of them.
This experience of storytelling allows us to identify several different but related goods in common. In the experience of sharing an entertaining story we have a group of people united in the enjoyment of something in which they delight.
To mark the Ignatian Year, Fr General, Arturo Sosa has published a book. A series of conversations…
‘The name we give to God, The Trinity, marks the depth and height of the Christian knowledge…